Monday 11 March 2013




Both spots offer products of L’Óreal, specifically two revitalizing creams for the face. Note that both are led by two celebrities. The most interesting thing is to compare how the product is presented. In the case of the ad aimed at men humor used, while in the ad aimed to women it is used highlights of the product’s features are used. Both indicate the percentage of customer satisfaction.

It seems that it is not important to note the five results of the cream for man... Why do you think that in the case of the ads for men not underline the characteristics of the cream one by one? Why don’t they follow the same line if both advertisements are for the same product? Would it attract the same number of buyers if the storyline were the same but for the opposite sex?


In this case, we have two spots of two different brands that promote their deodorants. Firstly, there is the deodorant "Axe" and secondly the deodorant "Dove": while the first ad sells the product like the way to attract any woman, the second onead uses the sensuality, softness, happiness, etc. that women obtain due to the deodorant.

It seems that women  aren't attract to men with their deodorant ... It seems that men don't feel that freshness and delicacy with their deodorant that women feel... Why two deodorants are presented in this way? Why do you think why that is? Doesn't exist a "wild" deodorant for women? Would it attract the same number of buyers if the storyline were the same but for the opposite sex?



This advertisement represents a part of the advertisements related to alcohol. In this case, it’s clear who the product is targeted to. The questions are indisputable: Do men drink more than women? Do women not drink alcohol? Do only men like beer?

Also, if we specify this Guinnes spot, the product is sold through the attraction of men for the perfect body of a woman. Why not the other way around? Why not put the body of a man to attract a female audience? It would not be the same, right?


"Men drive but women don’t” or “Men do know driving but women don’t." These could be good starters after viewing this Italian spot. All engine ads go unnoticed but, pay attention, in most of them, men appear and women don’t appear.

Do women not drive? Are men better drivers than women? Do women not care about what type of car they drive? What difference would be if the ads were starred by women?

3. NIKE 

We are facing an announcement about Nike sneakers. As we can watch, the spot is played by a man. Extrapolating this posting to all sports, the vast majority of the ads are starred by men. Obviously, it must keep in mind that sports are very marked for one of the two sexes, as baller for women.  Why?

Is seems that men do more exercise than women. It seems that women are not interested in the sport products. It seems that, in this case, women don’t run. What do you think about that and this type of advertisements?



This is an ad about a Spanish product. It sells a type of yogurt for "swelling" stomach. The fact is that the main characters are four women, like most of their ads. Why not four men? What would happen if they were four men? Are women the only ones that have swollen belly? I want to stress the way in which Carmen Machi (on the left side) presents "Ruiz family" and only three women are displayed.

It is just one example of the many TV commercials in which a food product is offered to “stay en shape” and gives prominence to women. It seems that men are not interested in these products, that men do not swell after eating, that men which don't eat yogurt for gases, etc. because men almost never appear.

Why do you think that women are the ones who perform the roles in these ads? is women who take role in these ads?


This Vanish ad is clearly projected towards a female audience. Only in the foreground we found six women on screen and not a single man, and women are precisely the stars of this advertisement.

Cleaning supplies, dish detergents, degreasers (in the kitchen), clean floors, etc., they are led for the most part by women. Cannot men clean? Is there a handbook to be a housewife? Are women born with the ability to clean?

It seems that men don’t know to clean because there are not advertisements of this type where they appear. Is it always the woman who cleans? Could don't be three men and three women?


Another time, this is an ad where women almost always take prominence. The diaper brand "Pull-ups", as most brands that offer this product, bet on women as actresses of their advertisements. It seems that only mothers, not fathers, are able to give advice about diapers that we put our children. It must be that "only women do that”. Perhaps, in contrast, women have a maternal instinct that men do not.

Try to recall: How many ads do you remember where a man is the protagonist?